Regulate Your Nervous System, Heal Your Inner Child, Release Shame & Get Unstuck To Improve Your Life And Relationships.

What is somatic life coaching?

Do you notice how your patterns cause you so much suffering? And yet they’re so hard to change, even when you’re aware of them. Why is that?

Patterns are imprinted in our nervous systems. We create patterns in childhood in order to survive, get love, belong and get our basic needs met. As we mature, these patterns become maladaptive, they are unhelpful but engraved in our systems. Like a river running with water down the same path for years, the groove is deep. That’s why you can’t just think your way out of it.

This is why you may find yourself stuck in the same relationship patterns, unable to make more money, lost in your career, uninspired, no sense of your needs or boundaries, putting yourself down, even in a health crisis. To name a few ways it can manifest.

In a somatic coaching process, you uncover discarded parts of the self. We use a process that includes emotional awareness in the body, inner child work and unpacking how your patterns show up in your current life. Patterns that are being unconsciously played out in your current relationships or life situations. This allows us to create new patterns and choices.

As you make the unconscious conditioning conscious, your relationship with self shifts and you can create fulfilling relationships and a life that you love.

What is the process like?

We talk about where you are experiencing pain or stuckness in your life. As we talk, I may guide you to connect with body sensations and emotions. We utilize: Parts Work, Inner Child Work, Meditation, Visualization, Sensation Awareness and Nervous System Regulation. This is not just to gain a conceptual understanding, but to integrate your healing throughout the entire being and nervous system, creating lasting change.

With Keirin’s gentle guidance, I learned to lean into the uncomfortableness of not knowing. Of exploring my shadow side and childhood wounds. Through embodiment and holding space for my thoughts and feelings, we were able to reveal powerful insights and realizations. Today I feel more at peace with myself as I am learning to care for my needs and give myself permission. Not only do I feel more grounded and connected, but through my work with Keirin, I am now in a wonderful, loving, caring and safe relationship!
— Pati

You have the power to change your life.