1:1 Somatic Coaching.

Get Unstuck And Heal Painful Patterns At The Root So You Can Create A Fulfilling Life And Relationships.

Book a Free 40 Minute Clarity Call To See If Somatic Coaching Can Support You.

Are you feeling any of these?

  • A cycle of overwhelm

  • Anxiety, Grief, Depression or Loneliness

  • Pain from your relationships

  • Difficulty after a divorce or breakup

  • Tired of chronic health issues

  • Lost with no direction

  • Stuck in a job you hate

  • In a loop with difficult family dynamics

  • Like life isn’t turning out the way you expected

  • A sense of apathy, none of what you used to enjoy makes you happy

  • Like you don’t know who you are

  • Big existential questions: what am I doing with my life?

“I don’t know what I would have done without Keirin’s somatic coaching, as she has completely improved my way of life and I am eternally grateful.“

-Mike K.

Imagine You Can:

Regulate Your Nervous System, Heal Your Inner Child, Release Shame & Get Unstuck To Improve Your Life And Relationships.

  • Retrain your nervous system to feel safe.

  • Discover your core wounds, true needs, insecurities and break painful patterns.

  • Heal your intimate relationships.

  • Transform your relationship to your body.

  • Discover what emotions may be living at the root of chronic pain/illness and how to release them.

  • Strengthen your inner voice, set boundaries, get clear on your needs and how to fulfill them.

  • Create new daily habits that make lasting changes

  • Get clear on what inspires you and choices to make in your career and daily life.

  • Feel worthy of love to a whole new level.

How Can Somatic Coaching Help Me?

By this point in your life, you may have already been through a number of healing phases. You’re wondering, will things ever actually change?

It is invaluable to have awareness. But sometimes we it still feels impossible to make changes. It’s frustrating!

Somatic coaching can be the window into creating real change in your life.

Your nervous system learned a way of reacting to the world as a child. This is how our unconscious patterns get ingrained.

This is why you may find yourself stuck in the same relationship patterns, unable to make more money, lost in your career, uninspired, no sense of your needs or boundaries, putting yourself down, experiencing chronic anxiety or even in a health crisis. To name a few ways it can manifest.

You cannot change that through simple awareness. You can change it through retraining the nervous system to feel safe and empowered. Using somatic awareness and exercises, reparenting the inner child, embodying different patterns and identifying and making new choices. You can create a new relationship with yourself and the world and connect your mind and body.

What is the process like?

We talk about where you are experiencing pain or stuckness in your life. As we talk, I may guide you to connect with body sensations and emotions. We utilize: Parts Work, Inner Child Work, Meditation, Visualization, Sensation Awareness and Nervous System Regulation. This is not just to gain a conceptual understanding, but to integrate your healing throughout the entire being and nervous system, creating lasting change.

“I was going through a hard time and I needed change in my life but was unsure where to start. After a few sessions we started getting deep into my childhood unresolved wounds and I released a lot of heavy emotions which were stored for years. Some had even been creating physical problems. I was able to work through those with Keirin’s coaching and my life truly shifted for the better. Since then, I have made big changes in my work and relationships, but most importantly, my relationship with myself.”

-Ammal D.

You have a right to enjoy your life.

After a free 40 min clarity call, you can choose session frequency according to your needs. Sessions are 90 minutes and held over zoom. If you are located in Mexico City, we have the option to meet in my office, located in Roma Norte, in person.

Cost depends on frequency of sessions, but ranges from $180 - $220 USD per session.

I connected with Keirin at a very transitional and pivotal time in my life. I was starting my own company, working part time and trying to balance all of that while making time for my two babies. There was so much noise and fear that it was hard to see through the dark. Keirin was so intuitive and clear. She helped me turn on the light and started me on a path towards regaining my balance. I am so grateful for that. She is truly gifted.
— Tina

Get to know Keirin