Yoga & Meditation Courses.

In-Person & Online Courses.

How To Go From Feeling Disconnected To Feeling Seen, Energized & Focused.

4 Week In-Person Course In Mexico City:

Yoga, Meditation, Somatic & Nervous System Tools Will Help You Reconnect To Yourself To Revitalize Your Work, Relationships & Purpose.

Join Me for Four Saturday mornings this fall on my beautiful, plant-filled terrace.

Where are you stuck right now?

We will flow thru a therapeutic yoga and meditation practice to release and energize. I will guide you thru nervous system tools that will help you to get you out of freeze, fight or fight mode. To start making the choices you need to make from a calm and grounded place. Use these last few months of the year to set yourself up for the relationships you want and the abundance you’re ready for.

Bonus: Take-Home Journal Prompts provided each week to help you know what you want and what choices to make.

Connect With An Open-Minded Community & Make New Friends.


Oct 5, 12, 19, 26


Saturdays, 10:30am - 12pm


$78 USD (Around $1500 Pesos)Total For All 4 Classes

*This Is The Discounted Rate For Signing Up For The Whole Course, Single Classes are $22 USD


Beautiful Shaded Plant-Filled Terrace In Roma Norte

(One block from Plaza Luis Cabrera)

*In the event of cancelation due to rain, class will be made up on Sat, Nov 2.

*You are invited to sign up for the whole 4 week course so that we can foster community.

*No refunds or exchanges.

If you cannot sign up for the whole course, you are invited to sign up for individual classes. This is pending availability each week, as space is limited.

Keirin is a Certified Somatic Trauma Therapy Coach and a Certified Yoga Therapist. She has been teaching yoga for 16 years. Keirin coaches clients through releasing trauma stored in the body to have a more fulfilling life and relationships.

About the Instructor

I’ve been attending Keirin’s yoga classes for about 3 years now, both in-person and when we transitioned to online classes during the pandemic. It’s most definitely one of the highlights of my week and a class that I always look forward to. Keirin is an incredible teacher and really cares about her students, giving everyone the individual attention they need. Keirin is thoughtful in how she structures the classes and she can intuitively sense the group’s vibe and cater the meditation and yoga practice accordingly. I’m so grateful for this space to check in with myself and listen to my body with her guidance. The class has been a lifesaver for me and I’m so grateful to be part of such a beautiful community of kind and caring individuals.
— Hannah